Prayer Teams & Altar Workers
In this workshop, participants will discover and develop techniques for productive prayers and will increase the necessary sensitivity while ministering to souls around the altar or even during a virtual altar call. Participants will understand their various roles and purpose as well your ministry will benefit from having the right trained people in the right places.
Virtual Training
Creating Flow innovation is based on excellence in ministry that centers on biblical principles. Our interactive virtual training invites His presence and encourages active participation of all participants for growth and development. We focus on areas that would enhance the quality of your call and or your training that would increase participation for the growth of your groups.
Pastoral Care
Allow us to train your team of people who has been identified with a ‘pastor’s heart’ and passion for souls We have found the lack of training in this area has stunted the growth of many ministries. Our training will identify and implement a healthy system of 'biblical care’ for each member on a regular basics. During COVID19 many members were restricted from coming together to worship, hear the word and to fellowship. Creating Flow believes that no one should be left to feel lonely and uncared for.
New Members Program
Answers the members’ question of, “I am here. Now What?” How to provide clear direction to the members as they move from membership to ministry.